There are many resources available to help you on your way towards encouraging more trees to grow on your property
Armidale Tree Group
The Armidale Tree Group has provided professional environmental services including project management for tree planting, revegetation and restoration projects since 1983. They also run a retail nursery that offers Australian garden plants, products and advice.
Planting your Patch
LLS produced this booklet, and makes it freely available here. It contains many useful, practical suggestions about what you can do to revegetate your property.
Southern New England Landcare
The vision of Southern New England Landcare is for a vibrant, socially and economically healthy community thriving in healthy, productive environments. Their mission is to lead, connect and enable our communities to achieve their sustainability goals in a changing environment. They provide advice and guidance to many farmers, graziers, and other landowners across the region
Land, Water & Wool
This project produced a range of case studies, testimonials and fact sheets, linked below. The poster shown above can also be downloaded as a pdf.
Case Studies
Case Study Farm - Tim & Karen Wright, 'Lana' (4 Mb)
Case Study Farm - Jon & Vicky Taylor, 'The Hill' (7 Mb)
Case Study Farm - Rob & Annabel Dulhunty, 'Nant Lodge' (1 Mb)
Testimonial - Rob & Lucy Adams (9 Mb)
Testimonial - Michele & Graeme Blackman (4 Mb)
Testimonial - Gordon & Jan Edmonds (7Mb)
Testimonial - Tony & Janet Gall (4 Mb)
Testimonial - Richard & Mary Maclean (6 Mb)
Testimonial - The McKemey Family (5 Mb)
Testimonial - James & Caroline Street (5 Mb)
Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet 1 - Birds on New England Wool Properties (11 Mb)
Fact Sheet 2 - Bats on New England Wool Properties (6 Mb)
Fact Sheet 3 - Arboreal Marsupials on New England Wool Properties (6 Mb)
Fact Sheet 4 - Pastures on New England Wool Properties (6 Mb)
Fact Sheet 5 - Water Quality on New England Wool Properties (3 Mb)
Fact Sheet 6 - Fauna on Case Study Farms (7 Mb)
Fact Sheet 8 - Economics and the Environment: not mutually exclusive! (782 Kb)
Fact Sheet 9 - Biodiversity and Wool Production - Answers to the 10 Big Issues (3 Mb)
Fact Sheet 10 - How to Lift Wool Profits and Improve Biodiversity! (3 Mb)
Fact Sheet 11 - A Quick Guide to the Case Study and Testimonial Farms (590 Kb)