Create an island of regeneration:
Even a little fencing can make a big difference
— Inexpensive to establish, especially if remnant trees are used as strainer posts.
— Excludes stock from an area of the paddock for a period of time
— extend fencing no further than the height of the remnant trees, as seeds are not likely to disperse further than this.
— Scout for existing natural regeneration, and try to place fencing so as to protect them.
Small-scale fencing around some of the trees in a patch. This can provide an island of regeneration, while balancing the needs of teh stock and the landowner
Small-scale fencing centred around an isolated paddock tree. This can provide an island of regeneration, while balancing the needs of the stock and the landowner
Small-scale fencing around some of the trees in a patch. This can provide an island of regeneration, while balancing the needs of the stock and the landowner. It's especially attractive, as these rocky outcrops are usually low productivity sites in a paddock.
Small-scale fencing around some of the trees in a grazed woodland. This can provide excellent opportunities for regeneration, while balancing the needs of the stock and the landowner